Bear Vault 450 - Dimensions Best Use - Backpacking Gear Capacity (L) 7.2 liter Gear Capacity (cu. in.)440 cubic inches Material(s) Polycarbonate Dimensions 8.7 x 8.3 inches Weight 2 lbs. 1 oz.
Bear Vault 500 -Dimensions 11.5 L 8.7 x 12.7 inches Weight 2 lbs. 9 oz. 7 days of food
Standard size bear keg or bear cannister - by Counter Assault. We also provide a carry case with straps. 3 pounds 10 oz. Volume11.7 L Dimensions 14 x 9 in 6-7 days of food for one person. or 2 people long weekend.
Iridium satellite 9575 comes with Water proof Pelican Case, Extra battery and chargers. Rental Package: Weighs 1 pound 10 oz. Several Pre paid and post paid minute plans available.
Counter Assault Pentagon™ Electric Bear Fence (Batteries not included) 53-ft. Portable electric mesh fence-system kit that meets or exceeds U.S. Forest Service specifications. 189-sq.-ft. 8,000 volts – 0.12 joules . 15 lbs.
Bear Fence - UDAP Bear Shock Electric Fence. Batteries not included. 3.7 lbs. 27x27 sq ft. 5000-6000 volt. Batteries will charge fence for approx. 5 wks. Ultralight
Outfitter Bear Electric Fence (Covers 45ft. x 45ft. sq. area) 5.5lbs w/ Batteries Storage Bag 8"x 25"
ACR 2881 ResQLink+ PLB Floating Personal Locator Beacon. Perfect PLB for anglers, boaters or hikers. Unit Size: 3.9”H x 1.9”W x 1.6”D Weight: 5.4 oz. Will transmit location for 24 hrs.
10 oz can Spray up to 40 ft -Empties in 8 seconds. Short burst Into bears face/eyes. Instruction/ lesson/ Various holsters to chose from. Small cans/Other brands empty in 5 sec/ 30-35 ft -spray time of 5-7 second.
Garmin inReach Explorer+ Comes with preloaded DeLorme TOPO maps; also includes built-in digital compass, barometric altimeter Extra charges: Text Msgs .75, Tracking points .15, Location Pings .15, prem weather $1.50. See instruction/video
First Aid Only All-Purpose First Aid Kit - General Camping, Hiking, Paddling, etc. 2-4 people
Rent an Orion Flare Gun with 4 shells. Emegency use only.
Portable CB radio with 40 CB channels, 10 NOAA channels, and 4 Watts of output power Handheld
Coghlan's - Fire Disc - Fire Starter 3.5 oz Quantity -1 Emergency Heat Source, BBQ, Campfire or Fireplace
Iridium satellite 9555 comes with Water proof Pelican Case, Extra battery and chargers. Rental Package: Weighs 1 pound 7 oz. Several Pre paid and post paid minute plans available. Post paid minutes - Pay for what you use. $1.89 a minute
Toilet bag replacements for portable toilet - lugabaloo. Chemical packs sold seperately.
The THERMOLITE® Reactor™ Extreme liner is Sea to Summit’s warmest knitted sleeping bag liner. If your adventures take you to colder climates, the Reactor Extreme will add plenty of warmth to a sleeping bag.
QUICK START Instant just light the wrapper Portable and compact - great for camping,
PRODUCT DETAILS The Coghlan's® Bear Bell attaches to your clothes or pack with a hook-and-loop strap. Movement creates a steady ringing that warns animals of your approach. A magnet in the bell's storage bag silences
Dried food - You will find the dried food under Retail Food Tab.
Concierge - ANC or FAI hotel - Gear P/U Return to hotel front desk. - Add store return in another city select one way. If doing hotels both ways in different cities. add One way rental between 2 stores.
7 to 9 oz Bear spray Rental Can & Holster - Fog up to 30-35 ft -Empties 5-7 seconds. Instruction provided. All brands UDAP, Sabre Frontier, -holster included (Early AM P/UP / Late Returns daily. Hotel / Airport /Free Downtown P/UP
Drysuits - Front Entry - 2XL - Comes with Neoprene bootie. 1lb 1 calendar day. 8- 9 Am start to 8-9 am return. am
Drysuits - Front Entry - Large. Neoprene dry shoes. 1 calendar day. Day start 8-9 am. Return 8-9 am
Drysuits - Front Entry - Large. 1 lb and dry suit shoes 1 calendar day. 8-9 am Start. 8-9 am return
Extreme Cold Rated Package: Parka , Bibs/Snowpants, Boots - Clean, Washed after each use) Excellent for temperatures down to -60F with appropriate layers. SM to 5XL and size 17 boots - Pls specify which store for pickup: Anc or Fai.
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