Bear Spray rental (All 7 - 9 oz Brands and Holster Options)- W/ Holster - 30-32 ft & 5-8 seconds

Rent Bear Spray in Alaska Anchorage or Fairbanks, Seward Bear Spray Rental. Free Downtown Pick up at our location 14 & K Street. 

 (All Brands 8oz Counter Assault, SABRE, Frontier. Grizzly Ak, UDAP, Frontier, AK Backpacker etc.)

UDAP, Frontier, Grizzly, Counter Assault 7.9oz smaller can Bear Sprays - The Pepper Power Fogger is the most efficient way to dispense large amounts of OC on to a subject in the shortest period of time. The fogger's enhanced range, broad spray pattern and inhalable particle size make it the most effective aerosol tool available to stop a bear attack simply by virtue of its ability to disperse large amounts of OC into the area.

Counter Assault

  • 8 oz COUNTER ASSAULT - 32-foot spray distance
  • 8. 1 oz. bear spray with 7 seconds of spray time
  • Hottest Formula allowed by law at 2% capsaicin & related capsaicinoids
  • Only bear spray to meet EPA SNAP rule of the Clean Air Act
  • Works on all 8-bear species to deter bears from attacking humans
  • ---------------------------------------------------
  • UDAP 2.0% Capsaicin and related Capsaicinoids
  • Proven in dozens of wildlife attacks
  • 3.3 million scoville heat units (SHU)
  • 10% Oleoresin Capsicum (OC)
  • Range up to 30 feet plus
  • Non-flammable
  • (OC) Oleoresin Capsicum - Hot Red Pepper
  • Zero ozone depletion potential
  • Powerful dispersion, Shotgun Blast pattern
  • EPA Registered
  • Manufactured to ISO standards! The highest quality of standards
  • Oil-based for Lasting Airborne Disbursement
  • Glow-in-the-dark safety for ease in locating at night

UDAP Economy 7.9oz Bear Spray - The Pepper Power Fogger is the most efficient way to dispense large amounts of OC on to a subject in the shortest period of time. The fogger's enhanced range, broad spray pattern and inhalable particle size make it the most effective aerosol tool available to stop a bear attack simply by virtue of its ability to disperse large amounts of OC into the area

[*This is NOT THE Largest - Bear Spray Rental Can - 10.2 oz Counter Assault Bear Deterrent with Belt Holster. See other line item.

That is 40 feet spray distance – 8 seconds spray duration  - see bottom of description for comparison to other brands.  Rental comes with holster, bear bell or backpack tether. 

Alaska Bear Defense. How to instruction on bear spray and videos available with rental. Including tips and lessons learned.]


  • 2.0 percent Capsaicin and related Capsaicinoids
  • Proven in dozens of wildlife attacks
  • 3.3 million scoville heat units (SHU)
  • 10 percent Oleoresin Capsicum (OC)
  • Range up to 30 feet plus
  • Non-flammable
  • (OC) Oleoresin Capsicum - Hot Red Pepper
  • Zero ozone depletion pot

Contains 2% Capsaicin and Related Capsaicinoids, the maximum allowed by law. Works on all bear species to deter bears from attacking humans. Great for Backpacking and Hiking. Counter Assault Bear Spray’s NEW innovative formula produces the optimal combination of spray time and spray distance. Deploys a high volume, powerful, atomized blast of highly concentrated pepper spray to deter a bear attack. Registered with the EPA, and meets the requirements of the EPA Significant new Alternative Policy (SNAP) of the Clean Air Act relating to ozone depleting substances.   

    Counter Assault is the only bear deterrent pepper spray that meets the Significant New Alternative Policy (S.N.A.P) requirements of the Clean Air Act regarding ozone-depleting substances. As noted in best bear spray review.
    You cant take in on the plane.  Perfect for day hikes, Denali National Park,  Alaska Bear Spray Rental Anchorage Bear Spray Rental is for for hiking multi day Alaska wilderness hikes. We deliver to Great Alaska Holiday, ABC Motorhome Rental, Grizzly RV, Camper Van Rental, Alaska 4x4.    Perfect to carry on a road trip for safety and day hikes.. We deliver to the AIr Taxis, Airports, or hotels like the Lake Front Hotel, Anchorage International Airport, Marriott, Pike waterfront lodge. Visit Anchorage, Explore Fairbanks