Sat Phone 9555 W/Pelican Case & Chargers Extra Battery (Satellite Phone)

Sat Phone 9555 W/Pelican Case & Chargers Extra Battery (Satellite Phone)

Iridium satellite 9555 comes with Water proof Pelican Case, Extra battery and chargers. Rental Package: Weighs 1 pound 7 oz. Several Pre paid and post paid minute plans available. Post paid minutes - Pay for what you use. $1.89 a minute

Sat Phone 9575 W/Pelican Case, Battery/ chargers (Satellite Phone)

Sat Phone 9575 W/Pelican Case, Battery/ chargers (Satellite Phone)

Iridium satellite 9575 comes with Water proof Pelican Case, Extra battery and chargers. Rental Package: Weighs 1 pound 10 oz. Several Pre paid and post paid minute plans available.

Bear Fence - Pentagon - Outfitter 45x45ft  (15lbs) 189 SQ FT

Bear Fence - Pentagon - Outfitter 45x45ft (15lbs) 189 SQ FT

Counter Assault Pentagon™ Electric Bear Fence (Batteries not included) 53-ft. Portable electric mesh fence-system kit that meets or exceeds U.S. Forest Service specifications. 189-sq.-ft. 8,000 volts – 0.12 joules . 15 lbs.

Bear Fence  -UDAP Bear Shock Electric Fence 27x27 3.7 lbs

Bear Fence -UDAP Bear Shock Electric Fence 27x27 3.7 lbs

Bear Fence - UDAP Bear Shock Electric Fence. Batteries not included. 3.7 lbs. 27x27 sq ft. 5000-6000 volt. Batteries will charge fence for approx. 5 wks. Ultralight

Bear Fence - UDAP Bear Shock Outfitter Fence with (8) 4 FT posts. 45x45 5.5 lbs.

Bear Fence - UDAP Bear Shock Outfitter Fence with (8) 4 FT posts. 45x45 5.5 lbs.

Outfitter Bear Electric Fence (Covers 45ft. x 45ft. sq. area) 5.5lbs w/ Batteries Storage Bag 8"x 25"

USD $50.00
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Avalanche Beacon - Mammut, Pieps, BCA

Avalanche Beacon - Mammut, Pieps, BCA

Avalanche Beacon Unit comes with batteries aleady in it. YOu are responsible batteries Batteries not included.

Beacon - ACR Rescue / PLB / Personal Locator Beacon Land or Sea 5.4 oz.

Beacon - ACR Rescue / PLB / Personal Locator Beacon Land or Sea 5.4 oz.

ACR 2881 ResQLink+ PLB Floating Personal Locator Beacon. Perfect PLB for anglers, boaters or hikers. Unit Size: 3.9”H x 1.9”W x 1.6”D Weight: 5.4 oz. Will transmit location for 24 hrs.

Garmin inReach Explorer / 66i -Satellite Comm/Maps/Sensors (Extra Fees for TextDatapoints see below)

Garmin inReach Explorer / 66i -Satellite Comm/Maps/Sensors (Extra Fees for TextDatapoints see below)

Garmin inReach Explorer+ Comes with preloaded DeLorme TOPO maps; also includes built-in digital compass, barometric altimeter Extra charges: Text Msgs .75, Tracking points .15, Location Pings .15, prem weather $1.50. See instruction/video

Garmin MINI  inReach Explorer+ Satellite Communicator w/Maps & Sensors (Extra Fees for usage/TextDatapoints see below)

Garmin MINI inReach Explorer+ Satellite Communicator w/Maps & Sensors (Extra Fees for usage/TextDatapoints see below)

Garmin MiniinReach Explorer+ Comes with preloaded DeLorme TOPO maps; also includes bucompass, barometric altimeter Extra charges: Text Msgs .75, Tracking points .15, Location Pings

GPS Garmin (Handheld) with detailed AK Topo Map or hunting map

GPS Garmin (Handheld) with detailed AK Topo Map or hunting map

Garmin Montana 610T -Handheld GPS with protective case. We also have the 680, several models

USD $20.00
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Metal Detector

Metal Detector

Metal Detector - Garrett ACE 200 - 2.7 lbs.

USD $5.00
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Head Lamp

Head Lamp

Head Lamp- 150 Lumen - runs on 3 AAA batteries various - brands and power (Headlamp comes with whatever Batteries left in unit).

Radio -  CB Portable / Handheld with magnetic Antenna

Radio - CB Portable / Handheld with magnetic Antenna

Portable CB radio with 40 CB channels, 10 NOAA channels, and 4 Watts of output power Handheld

USD $12.00
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Radio - 2 Way Walkie Talkie - Set of 2

Radio - 2 Way Walkie Talkie - Set of 2

Midland Outfitter Radio - 38 Mile reception 36 channels with 14 extra channels and 122 privacy codes Weather Alert technology informs of any drastic weather changes

Generator - Yamaha 2000 or Honda 2200 Watt

Generator - Yamaha 2000 or Honda 2200 Watt

Generator - Yamaha 2000 or Honda 2200 - Gas Powered Portable Inverter 2000 watt rated AC output, 2000 watt maximum AC output, 13.3/16.7 amps @ 120V 44.1 pounds - 1.1 Gallon 10.5 hours continuous

USD $50.00
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Solar Generator Charger - Goal Zero Yeti 500x Lithium Portable Power Station

Solar Generator Charger - Goal Zero Yeti 500x Lithium Portable Power Station

Designed for charging phones, tablets, cameras, and more, the Goal Zero Yeti 400 Lithium can also be used as an alternative to a gasoline-powered inverter generator, running small appliances, lights

USD $50.00
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Dried food  - List is under Retail Food Tab

Dried food - List is under Retail Food Tab

Dried food - You will find the dried food under Retail Food Tab.

USD $0.00
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Bear Spray rental 10oz 40 ft 8 seconds fog Counter Assault w/ Holster #1 Rated Can

Bear Spray rental 10oz 40 ft 8 seconds fog Counter Assault w/ Holster #1 Rated Can

10 oz can Spray up to 40 ft -Empties in 8 seconds. Short burst Into bears face/eyes. Instruction/ lesson/ Various holsters to chose from. Small cans/Other brands empty in 5 sec/ 30-35 ft -spray time of 5-7 second.

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