10 oz can Spray up to 40 ft -Empties in 8 seconds. Short burst Into bears face/eyes. Instruction/ lesson/ Various holsters to chose from. Small cans/Other brands empty in 5 sec/ 30-35 ft -spray time of 5-7 second.
Bear Vault 500 -Dimensions 11.5 L 8.7 x 12.7 inches Weight 2 lbs. 9 oz. 7 days of food
The ideal bear-resistant storage for weight conscious, long-distance hikers or group trips, the BearVault BV475 Trek bear keg securely stores 5–6 days of food and fits sideways into most packs. Weigh 2 lbs 4 oz 9.3 L
Bear Vault 450 - Dimensions Best Use - Backpacking Gear Capacity (L) 7.2 liter Gear Capacity (cu. in.)440 cubic inches Material(s) Polycarbonate Dimensions 8.7 x 8.3 inches Weight 2 lbs. 1 oz.
The smallest bear-resistant food container from BearVault. Light, compact BV425 Sprint bear canister is ideal for overnight trips, shared loads or leaving your lunch at the base while you explore. Weight1.75 lb | 1 lb 12 oz | 800 g - 6"
Standard size bear keg or bear cannister - by Counter Assault. We also provide a carry case with straps. 3 pounds 10 oz. Volume11.7 L Dimensions 14 x 9 in 6-7 days of food for one person. or 2 people long weekend.
Grub can bear keg - Gear Capacity (L) 9.4 liters Dimensions 6.5 x 23 inches Weight 2 lbs.11 oz. - Holds 7 days of food
Counter Assault Pentagon™ Electric Bear Fence (Batteries not included) 53-ft. Portable electric mesh fence-system kit that meets or exceeds U.S. Forest Service specifications. 189-sq.-ft. 8,000 volts – 0.12 joules . 15 lbs.
Bear Fence - UDAP Bear Shock Electric Fence. Batteries not included. 3.7 lbs. 27x27 sq ft. 5000-6000 volt. Batteries will charge fence for approx. 5 wks. Ultralight
Outfitter Bear Electric Fence (Covers 45ft. x 45ft. sq. area) 5.5lbs w/ Batteries Storage Bag 8"x 25"
Rent an Orion Flare Gun with 4 shells. Emegency use only.
Counter Assault Bear Deterrent Spray with holster - 10.2 fl. oz. RETAIL
Rent an Orion Bear Deterrent Flare Gun with 4 shells. Emegency use only.
YETI Roadie 24 Cooler 12.8 lbs- YETI Roadie 24 Cooler is a fresh take on a tried-and-true YETI favorite. It’s 10% lighter weight, holds 20% more, and even performs 30% better thermally than its legendary predecessor.
Fits easily in pocket or pack so that it's always available in case of an emergency Features a pull-out dispenser that keeps the soft 2-ply tissue neat, clean and Dry Durable and soft yet RV and septic safe and comes
PRODUCT DETAILS The Coghlan's® Bear Bell attaches to your clothes or pack with a hook-and-loop strap. Movement creates a steady ringing that warns animals of your approach. A magnet in the bell's storage bag silences
Dried food - You will find the dried food under Retail Food Tab.
Head into bear country with the confidence that your food will be safe inside the Counter Assault Bear Keg food container. 3 lbs 10 oz. 9x 14 inches
Concierge - ANC or FAI hotel - Gear P/U Return to hotel front desk. - Add store return in another city select one way. If doing hotels both ways in different cities. add One way rental between 2 stores.
7 to 9 oz Bear spray Rental Can & Holster - Fog up to 30-35 ft -Empties 5-7 seconds. Instruction provided. All brands UDAP, Sabre Frontier, -holster included (Early AM P/UP / Late Returns daily. Hotel / Airport /Free Downtown P/UP
Rent our most popular cruise package for hiking, bus rail tour packages. PKG Hiking -Binoculars 10x42, Bear Spray, Trekking Poles (See add on items -all items) Vortex Cross fire binoculars 10x42 mm.
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